苫小牧福音教会 水草牧師のメモ






☆Japan’s ‘BBC’ bans any reference to wartime ‘sex slaves’
URL http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/world/asia/article4239769.ece
A ban on reference to the Rape of Nanking is seen as a surrender of editorial independence by Japan’s public broadcaster, NHK
Japan’s public broadcaster, NHK, has banned any reference to the notorious Rape of Nanking, to the country’s use of wartime sex slaves, and to its territorial dispute with China, in what critics see as a surrender of its editorial independence.
日本公共放送(NHK)は戦時慰安婦、中国との領土問題、悪名高い南京大虐殺への言及を禁止されていることが分かりました。英タイムズ紙が入手したNHKの内部文書によると、 英語記者が注目しているトピックについて厳密なルールがあるといいます。 規制は安倍総理が日本の保守的な民族主義と政府の立場を反映するように指示しているようです。

A ban on reference to the Rape of Nanking is seen as a surrender of editorial independence by Japan’s public broadcaster, NHK

Japan’s public broadcaster, NHK, has banned any reference to the notorious Rape of Nanking, to the country’s use of wartime sex slaves, and to its territorial dispute with China, in what critics see as a surrender of its editorial independence.

In a secret internal document, obtained by The Times, journalists on NHK’s English-language services are instructed about the precise phrasing to be used in reporting some of the most controversial topics in Japanese politics. The rules appear to reflect the position of the government of Shinzo Abe, Japan’s conservative nationalist prime minister.

The revelation follows the assertion by NHK’s chairman,
